BroadcastMed is known for its expertise in creating engaging content for physicians through educational videos, live events, and CME opportunities. BroadcastMed also develops analytics tools to guide your organization in its marketing efforts. Our proprietary MD-IDTM technology gathers data that you can use to maximize your campaigns and deliver the best ROI to your organization. Your reporting dashboard holds the key to your success with BroadcastMed’s technology to capture the data you need to turn physician engagement into revenue for your organization.
In a recent webinar, our team discussed how to leverage data to better understand your physician audience.
Using Data to Identify Your Target Audience
BroadcastMed uses comprehensive data to drive action from your target audience. One of the most important aspects of this data is its relevance, and how it ties in with the physicians who engage with the content on your web properties. The BroadcastMed physician database is continually polled and the results indicate that email is the preferred venue for receiving communication. Email is an effective format for marketing, and with BroadcastMed's mDNA™ Reporting, powered by MD-ID™ technology, the right physicians can be targeted to receive the information you want them to see.
The data is segmented by:
- Specialty
- Claims data (to include ICD-10 and prescribing information)
- Geography (down to the postal code)
Through this specified data, BroadcastMed can help you maximize your ROI with physicians by optimizing email and campaign content and delivering relevant marketing to physician inboxes. BroadcastMed delivers over 750K+ specialty-specific newsletters every week to create a higher level of engagement with targeted physicians who will not only watch the content on your site, but engage in the desired call to action to connect with your company.
BroadcastMed understands your audience, but can take it further than just the content on your site. We connect the content, engagement, best practices, and data to leverage a better understanding of your audience. The direct email outreach is not a blind marketing effort - it is a purposeful, data-driven process that combines the expertise of the BroadcastMed team and intelligent reporting that provides you with highly engaged physicians who want to connect with your company.
Digital Analytics 101: Understanding Types of Data
Google Analytics is a good example of what companies use to track the movement of someone landing on a website. Historically, companies like to find out where their website traffic came from - a search engine ad, a link on another site, or a direct landing from typing in the URL in the address bar. BroadcastMed moves beyond the typical analytics and uses its own intelligence technology to understand physician action.
Analyzing data is more than looking at statistics or how many people visited your site; you need to gather the right data to ensure you are targeting the right physicians. BroadcastMed uses segment analysis to pull out accurate information about your prospects:
- Name and NPI of physician
- Primary specialty
- Geographical location
- Number of website visits (initial and return visits)
- Number of physicians who watched a video (partially, and through to completion)
- Physicians who clicked on strategic call to actions such as “refer a patient” or “find a sales rep”
- Registration for live events
mDNA™ Reporting funnels this information to give you the detailed data points you need to focus your marketing efforts.
BroadcastMed analyzes data that is isolated to the engagements on your web properties, and also layers in additional segmented analysis to show you how you compare with organizations with similar services. With relevant content and analytics that drive your marketing efforts, you can create site benchmarks to measure your campaign’s success.
The data gathered by mDNA™ Reporting provides more than any commercial analytical tools, with the following features:
- Experts who provide daily support
- Optimization for media engagement
- Individual User Profiles with complete HCP digital journeys
- Benchmarks to guide content engagement
- Strategic call to action tracking to stimulate results
Data is the key to your company’s success and your client’s overall satisfaction. BroadcastMed ties the data together into one dashboard and hub with content and promotion, and catapults your company to the next level of marketing with the transactions between referrals and sales reps to meet your business objectives.
Putting Your Data to Work - Importance of Data for Marketing
BroadcastMed has already demonstrated its ability to gather data for the purpose of analysis and target marketing, but it’s important to understand how to put your data to work to achieve your organizational goals. BroadcastMed transforms and optimizes the physician’s digital journey and provides two outcomes - a call to action on the part of the physician, and a new client for your company. The data is the key to creating that journey, as it develops an enhanced insight of the physician’s actions while engaging in your site’s content.
The data you retrieve is valuable, but to make it purposeful, you must be able to access it quickly and make use of the information. BroadcastMed provides that level of access by providing you with the ability to see real-time performance with mDNA™ Reporting, allowing you to take immediate action that might include:
- Meaningful live events that focus on the needs of your audience
- Tailor-made content for your prospects
- Hot leads taken directly to your dashboard and shared with your sales and physician liaison teams
- Higher number of actionable events by physicians who engage in site content or events
The data you gather from your mDNA™ Funnel reporting can also provide insights on physicians who don’t quite make it to the final call to action. This information can guide your efforts for future marketing campaigns and events, and improve your organization’s overall marketing performance. BroadcastMed’s proprietary reporting guides the construction of your physician profiles - the data puts you in the driver seat.
mDNA™ Reporting, powered by MD-ID™ technology, is the next best tool for hospitals, medical device and pharmaceutical companies to boost marketing efforts, make purposeful changes, and take immediate action based on valuable data. Physician engagement correlates directly with interest, scope, and patient outcomes. The data you gather and analyze needs to create value to develop your target audience. Maximize your efforts, impact your business objectives, and see immediate results with the technology created by BroadcastMed. You can even watch your ROI in real time with your customized dashboard.
BroadcastMed is the next generation of engagement marketing through intelligent, segmented data, where your prospects become clients, and your clients become partners. To learn more about our services, contact us today online or by calling 1-800-880-8618.