Described by Apollo Endosurgery’s co-founder and Chief Medical Officer, Christopher Gostout, as “the most unique live case course on the globe from the perspective of demonstrating where interventional endoscopy can and should be going,” Long Island Live has become the preeminent source for physicians embarking on novel endo-surgical procedures and technologies. The 13th annual event was also hosted by healthcare intelligence company, BroadcastMed.
BroadcastMed produces, promotes, and distributes groundbreaking clinical content to inspire the future of medicine. Our teams are ready to deliver the highest quality virtual productions and tools to help make any event or production shine. We partner with the most credible brands in healthcare to develop the highest quality content.
Whether you need help with strategies or scripts, storyboards or filming, BroadcastMed has the knowledge and experience to create any type of media – including video, live webinars, podcasts, and hybrid events. Below, we share one client’s experience with us, particularly, how the success of the 13th annual Long Island Live is a testament to BroadcastMed’s difference.
What is Long Island Live?
Long Island is one of the sites of NYU Winthrop’s Annual Long Island Live Endoscopy Symposium each spring. The Long Island Live is an annual conference where endoscopists and gastroenterology clinicians can learn by watching live cases presented in real-time by the course director and Chief of GI Endoscopy at NYU Winthrop Hospital, Stavros Stavropoulos, MD, and international peers in advanced endoscopy.
The Live Endoscopy CME program features top surgeons traveling from across the world to perform and showcase innovative GI Endoscopy procedures, with the guiding principle of exploring the new frontiers of endoscopy and exposing the participants to novel and disruptive techniques and technologies that may shape the future of endoscopy.
The Problem
The purpose of Long Island Live is to share surgical knowledge and showcase cutting-edge techniques between the best surgeons in the GI endoscopy world. All surgeries would be broadcast directly from NYU Langone’s Surgical Center where surgeons from across the world would demonstrate their innovative techniques from within the hospital’s auditorium to an international physician audience.
However, with COVID-19 and the emergence of the Delta variant, this renowned annual conference that has been an anticipated event for more than a decade, was closed to visiting surgeons and physician attendees. The problem was not having the ability to bridge the gap between presenters and attendees due to COVID and the complex nature of the event, which included multiple simultaneous surgeries and cross-discussions between presenting surgeons. In fact, there had been discussions about whether the event could happen at all in a virtual environment.
BroadcastMed's Solution
Since launching more than 25 years ago, BroadcastMed has evolved into an industry staple for hospitals and healthcare companies hoping to actively engage physicians and allied healthcare professionals, launch new products, provide peer-to-peer education, advance continuing medical education (CME), participate in clinical affairs, and deliver patient-focused health information. BroadcastMed was uniquely positioned to tackle Long Island Live’s sensitive situation. In addition, BroadcastMed had the virtual solution and the hybrid-ready infrastructure and platform required to host an event of this magnitude.
BroadcastMed provided NYU Langone with a hybrid platform that facilitated connectivity between global surgical sites and physicians around the world. It served as a virtual conduit that bridged the gap between operating rooms located in New York, Tokyo, and Shanghai, allowing for the performing surgeons to remain in their local OR while still interacting with each other and with the attendees.
BroadcastMed’s Branded Channel served as the hybrid event hub and allowed for seamless user experience throughout registration, agenda management, and live and on-demand viewing. During the course of the event, our virtual production team was able to support on-site from New York City, as well as from our studios in Central Connecticut.
Working Around the Obstacles
Despite geographical distances and COVID-19 restrictions, BroadcastMed was able to successfully deliver a 12-hour long program that combined live cases and lectures from NYU Langone surgical centers, as well as, three other world-renowned endoscopic surgery centers in Tokyo and Shanghai. The performing surgeons were also able to seamlessly interact with each other and the attendees throughout the course of the day.
Long Island Live, which was hosted on the BroadcastMed-powered platform, resulted in a smashing success as the program drew 571 unique participants, 437 from across the US and 134 from 20 different countries across the globe. This was a new record turnout for the 13-year-old program!
How BroadcastMed can Help You
No other media company can match BroadcastMed’s experience in life science production. Since live streaming the first surgery online, the company has continued to dominate the healthcare media industry. With nearly 30 years of experience and 18,000 media productions to date, BroadcastMed continues to stay up to date on the healthcare market and industry trends for medical professionals.
Producing high-quality healthcare content is a team effort. BroadcastMed enlists the best in videography, content strategy, photography, scriptwriting, and storyboarding to deliver educational and engaging content. With the company’s leading-edge production capabilities, BroadcastMed gives medical professionals an intimate look inside the operating room.
Intelligent data along with marketing automation, advanced analytics software, and innovative physician-directed digital marketing technology and strategies allow the company to connect health care providers with their targeted audiences, ensuring each production is created with intent.
For Dr. Stavropoulos, Long Island Live is one of the crowning jewels of his career. Being aware of the complexity of the live course, he knew he needed a company that has a lot of experience – all the way from production, to broadcasting, editing, and uploading it on the website for on-demand viewing. From his testimonial, he shares:
“That was one of the most important contributions of BroadcastMed – having this virtual broadcast with very high definition without any drawbacks or pixelation, and also grooming the content expertly for on-demand viewing. BroadcastMed provides a number of things: Doing the monthly analytics, funnel breakdown, engagement, etc. BroadcastMed basically offers the complete package in a very flexible, responsive, and cost-effective way.”
Client satisfaction is the backbone of BroadcastMed’s service model. Our expansive subject matter expertise, unparalleled reliability, and unscathed track record for deadline delivery are just a few services that set us apart from other production companies. If you’re interested in partnering with BroadcastMed to create groundbreaking healthcare content and plan future marketing strategies with data-driven intelligence, contact us today.